Escape the Infinite Chambers

Chapter 141 - Crimson Asura Realm (X)

Chapter 141 - Crimson Asura Realm (X)

Editor: Kitty

Starting from when Luo Jian was a small kid, he had begun to have this strange dream intermittently. This dream always had the same plot. He always felt that he was standing in a dark place, and there seemed to be light in front of him. Luo Jian moved towards the light. There was a man standing in the light, and Luo Jian could not see his face or body clearly. He could only see him vaguely, and he felt that the man had reached out to himself.

What was he saying, and what exactly was he talking about?

Luo Jian couldn’t hear clearly, so he inched toward the man in the light. As he walked over, he seemed to feel the man reach over, grab Luo Jian’s arm, and pull him hard, and then he would wake up from the dream.

When he woke up, Luo Jian was lying on the ground next to a big and familiar wolf. It had dark gray fur and a handful of very familiar white fur on its neck. The wolf was the one who had chased Luo Jian to the Asura Realm since it followed him from the small forest.

However, the wolf did not attack Luo Jian. It stood in front of Luo Jian and bit the shoulder of the monk who had beaten Luo Jian with a rod. One man and one wolf began to fight. The man who took the staff as a weapon was undoubtedly a bareheaded monk. His clothes were all grey, and he took his rod to jab the wolf.

But the wolf did not release its mouth’s grip on his shoulders.

Luo Jian got up from the ground. When he was fighting with the monk just now, he threw his weapon away and was knocked unconscious by the monk. However, it seemed that Luo Jian was not killed directly by the monk’s rod. He just got up after fainting for a short period of time. When he got up, the wolf appeared in front of Luo Jian for no reason, and looking at its posture......

Was this wolf actually protecting him?

But why protect him?

Luo Jian always felt that this wolf was too persistent. From the beginning, when Luo Jian woke up and met the wolf on that rock, the wolf was so persistent in following right behind Luo Jian as if unless it could bite him to death, it would not be satisfied. No matter how many times he devoured it and roasted it with fire, it would never be afraid of anything. And it always had a thirsty little look in its eyes when it stared at Luo Jian.

There were no other living things in the Crimson Asura Realm. Luo Jian did not doubt that the wolf may have been a certain player who later morphed into its current form. As Ya’an said, the secret chamber’s will would turn some players who failed to escape from the chambers into monsters and integrate their weapons with their bodies to turn them into half-monsters and half-weapons.

Then they would wipe out the self-awareness of these poor players, leaving them with the tyrannical instincts of creatures, turning them into real monsters who only could only fight and struggle.

However, over time, the players who became monsters would slowly return to their senses and begin to recover their memories and human instincts, but usually, it took a long time for them to transition into recovering such things.

Thinking of this, Luo Jian suddenly realized that the wolf may have been a player who had morphed into an animal. Now, the wolf seemed to have begun to recover its memory and gradually recovered its self-awareness in the Crimson Asura Realm. Therefore, the wolf began to protect Luo Jian for some reasons Luo Jian was not aware of.

But Luo Jian still had that question that he did not understand. Why should the other party protect himself?

Luo Jian was not able to think of anything. Then, he remembered Ya’an’s words. If you wanted to form a team on the Asura Realm, you just had to express your sincerity to the other party. For example, if you wanted to help someone in a fight and protected him from an attack, and the other party was willing to form a temporary team with you, the other party simply needed to express the same action.

Therefore, this wolf’s behavior was straightforwardly understood by Luo Jian as the other party wanting to form a team with Luo Jian. Luo Jian was not particularly willing to fight alone either. Having a partner was just like adding on a pair of wings to a tiger, so he also acted decisively. He rushed to kill the monk together with the huge wolf. When the monk fell to the ground under the attack of one man and one wolf, Luo Jian thought that both he and the wolf had already broken the ice and formed into a team.

But that was just what Luo Jian thought.

As soon as he saw the monk die, the wolf suddenly swung his big hairy tail and bit Luo Jian’s head! Its teeth were sharp, white, and stained with dark, red blood. It gave Luo Jian a bad scare, so he retreated subconsciously. He was ready to draw his knife to fight back, but after swinging his hand, Luo Jian remembered that his weapon had been thrown away by him.

But this shouldn’t happen! Luo Jian knew how flexible his short knife was. No matter how far away he threw it, the little knife would return to Luo Jian’s palm when he needed it. But this time, when Luo Jian needed it, the knife did not return, as if his weapon was making a fuss, or rather, it was resisting him.

His weapon had refused his orders!

The wolf’s teeth were close at hand as it launched an ambush. When Luo Jian killed the monk and relaxed his guard, the wolf cunningly and shamelessly lunged at Luo Jian with its sharp claws and sharp teeth and using its abilities trained in the thousands of battles it experienced on Asura Realm!

Now, Luo Jian could not even spare the time to dodge its attack. He moved his feet backwards, but his body could not maintain the center of gravity, so he collapsed on the ground. He saw that the wolf’s teeth were almost in front of his eyes. At that moment, Luo Jian felt that he might die again.

Death was such a horrifying thing to experience, but in this Asura Realm, death had become so natural that each creature and every player would reasonably use their revivals to grind their opponents to death, but Luo Jian suddenly understood something at this moment.

In the Crimson Asura Realm, one may have countless lives. One could die and revive without pause. Therefore, in the Asura Realm, life began to become cheap. Creatures would begin to not to cherish anything. They think that...... anyway, it is merely dying, and it’s just a few seconds of pain. After a few minutes, they would be able to continue, get up, and fight again.

But after leaving this Asura Realm, everyone would only live once.

Only once!

He needed a weapon, a good weapon that could fully reflect his abilities and help him block all attacks! The weapon that could allow Luo Jian to better survive in this terrifying chamber—no, no, no! Not only that! What Luo Jian wanted was not just to better survive! He did not just want to survive!

Maybe he was too kind. Or he had deep in his bones or in his fiery hot blood a firm sense of justice, but Luo Jian did not just want to survive! He wanted his companions to live well, and he wanted to protect them! Yes, that’s what he meant! Luo Jian simply needed to protect the people he wanted to protect!

Who was it that mentioned it to him? It suddenly occurred to Luo Jian. Someone had really said towards him:

—When humans first took up arms, it was not to kill others but merely to protect themselves.

Maybe everyone thought differently, but Luo Jian felt that he had found the significance of his weapon’s existence at this moment. If he only took up his weapon to survive, then he would only be able to use his weapon to survive. He would then need to fight for his own sake, to survive, and never for others.

Maybe that way, Luo Jian would live better, but in his future, he would be doomed to no longer have the company of his companions because they would not exist.

But Luo Jian needed his companions. He had too many people he cared about: his parents, his relatives, the people he loved, and the people who loved him. Luo Jian was not able to throw everything away! If he took up his weapon for his own sake, Luo Jian could simply abandon this weapon now!

An inconspicuous knife?

That was not what Luo Jian needed. He needed much more than that. He was very ambitious! He wanted to accomplish a lot of things! A short knife was far from what he needed! Far from enough!

“Not enough—!” The wolf’s teeth had already descended down towards Luo Jian’s head. At that moment, Luo Jian called out these two words in a low voice. Then he stretched out his hand and made an action of waving something. Luo Jian swore that his brain was blank at that moment. Of course, he did not call out any name, did not say the name of his weapon.

But there was a weapon in Luo Jian’s hand.

This weapon was very familiar because it was the long rod used by the monk moments ago. This rod was very heavy and felt like it weighed a thousand gold bars when he held it in his hands. It was reminiscent of Sun Wukong’s godly stabilizing seas rod. However, when Luo Jian held it, it seemed as light as a feather. Therefore, Luo Jian could easily swing the rod and push the gigantic wolf away. With one blow, the wolf flew up in the air.

The wolf flew away with that blow and fell to the monster pile not far away from him, and from the distance, one could hear its scream.

Luo Jian kept the rod and retreated. He had exhausted almost all his strength and gasped heavily. Then he looked at the rod in his hand. The rod was slowly changing. Now, it became a red—umbrella.

“This umbrella looks damned familiar,” Luo Jian murmured to himself. After striking the wolf and causing it to fly out, Luo Jian instantly understood his weapon’s abilities.

“I have already known your name for a long time.” Luo Jian stroked the canopy of the red umbrella. In fact, his weapon had already told Luo Jian its name through certain means. The name of the umbrella was ‘disguiser.’ The name of Luo Jian’s mental technique was the same as that of the disguiser, the mental technique of the disguiser. Naturally, this weapon could only be called the disguiser.

Interestingly, this umbrella had no attack power at all. It could not even be used as a weapon, but this umbrella had an interesting ability. It can simulate other weapons. For example, Luo Jian used it to imitate the rod used by the monk just now.

However, a simulation needed a premise. If Luo Jian wanted to simulate other people’s weapons, then he must first be in physical contact with the owner of the weapon, and it was preferable if they fought so that Luo Jian could understand the shape and strength of the other’s weapon. As long as this understanding reached a certain level, Luo Jian could simulate the other party’s weapons reasonably, or...... copy it.

Of course, the abilities this umbrella had may be much more than this, but at this point in time, Luo Jian was not able to figure everything out completely.

However, when Luo Jian obtained the new appearance of his weapon, he realized that he needed to experience more battles. He needed to fight to enrich himself, or rather, he needed to enrich his weapon.

T/N: Hehe, the red umbrella, does it remind yall of someone?

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