Yama Rising

Chapter 586: Crashing Waves

Chapter 586: Crashing Waves

He drew a series of stickmen in front of a square, which ostensibly represented a building.


Wang Chenghao squinted his eyes, and then immediately burst into song, “My left hand holds the earth, and my right hand holds up the sky. From my palm erupts lightning that arcs everywhere…”

Take a deep breath. Don’t explode now… Qin Ye fervently repressed the boiling rage in his heart as he continued to draw a massive space right underneath the square building.

“Shut up!” Oda Nobutada immediately exploded with what everything else was thinking in their hearts, “How is it that everything you say feels like an insult to my intelligence? Are the brains of youngsters these days so incredibly stunted? Back in our time, if anyone acted like you did, they would have been disemboweled a long time ago!”

Abrupt silence.

Damn you for poisoning my mind with those things!!!

“......” Everyone grew silent.

Fortunately, Qin Ye was thick-skinned. Ignoring the ugly expressions all around, he went on, “The current situation is that the MV Sewol has already vanished for 60 minutes, and Gonjiam Asylum…”

“Isn’t it obvious?” One Tail frowned, “The army would have assembled by now, waiting for us to rush over. Didn’t Richard instigate the MV Sewol to move more quickly so that we wouldn’t have the time to prepare to face tens of thousands of troops waiting for us over there?”

At once, everyone’s eyes gleamed brightly.

Oda Nobutada gasped in amazement, “Brilliant! Given the tonnage of the MV Sewol, crashing it straight into the Gate of the Dead at full speed would definitely cause a huge tremor! Are you suggesting that we’ll seize the opportunity in the ensuing chaos to slip into Gonjiam Asylum?”

Qin Ye smiled viciously as he began to connect the swordsmen and shieldbearers on the path with a wisp of Yin energy, “Of course I wouldn’t underestimate an Abyssal Prefect. In fact, the Abyssal Prefect’s presence is exactly why I have serious doubts that the MV Sewol would even be able to ram through the Gate of the Dead. Besides, I believe that I know far better than any of you here just how terrifying an Abyssal Prefect can be.”

Qin Ye promptly interjected, “But what if… at the most crucial moments, we all jump off the ship to divert Rumyantsev’s attention?”

Wang One Tail nodded affirmatively, “They’ll definitely choose us. The MV Sewol might be a big ship, but we’re living, breathing nuclear weapons!!”

How can you even claim to be a living nuclear weapon?! You’re at best a walking meat (beeep) machine!

Qin Ye smile deepened. At once, he drew a rectangle in the air, depicting the MV Sewol and sent it crashing into Gonjiam Asylum and breaching its defences!

“But that alone isn’t enough! It’s not ruthless enough! It’s not powerful enough to completely obviate the Russian Underworld and the Hanyang Underworld from all other considerations!!”

At once, the drawing revealed the rectangle crashing straight through the several layers of boxes below, before finally arriving at the vast space below and landing right next to another small rectangle representing the coffin.

“There’s no longer any hope of intercepting Liu Yu’s harvest of faith. And according to your plan, that would still leave us surrounded by Yin soldiers! My Lord… you have to look at the bigger picture! Your safety is of paramount importance!”

“No… Perhaps… this plan might just work out…” Just then, a soft voice interrupted their thoughts.

Then, just as everyone glanced over with a bewilderment written all over their faces, Ryu Changmin continued hoarsely, “There’s one fundamental premise that your plan is built upon, and that is… I have to be present.”

Ryu Changmin’s voice trembled. He even began to break out in cold sweat because of how whimsical the idea was, “When that happens, I will be able to seize the exact location of its dimensional rift, and immediately teleport over like a ferocious predator!!”

“In other words, the MV Sewol has suddenly become our greatest source of strength in our time of need!”

That’s right. He was already prepared to give up intercepting Liu Yu’s harvest of faith. After all, there were just too many variables involved for such efforts to be worth his time. Ryu Changmin’s sudden appearance had given rise to a fatal delay in the execution of his earlier plans. But after hearing more about the distinct unique abilities of his, Qin Ye suddenly discovered that…

The path to infiltration had closed, but the option to barging right through the doors of their plans had now burst wide open. And if one thought more about it…

The Second King Yanluo, Arthis and even the Harken would never condone such petty actions.

It’s possible… It’s actually reasonably possible!

All it took was five men, and yet the perfect leverage of their abilities completely opened a world of possibilities to them! Everyone had a role to play in these plans.

He stood up at once and cupped his hands respectfully, “Lord Qin, please allow me to take on the most dangerous task possible!”

“I want Choi Tae-min’s life!” Ryu Changmin barked through gritted teeth and with palpable bloodlust.

“I’ll shred him to pieces!” Kwon Kyung-ho’s voice trembled.

They were all waiting for the light of dawn in the unending darkness, and Qin Ye had brought exactly that.

Just then, Qin Ye glanced out and suddenly smiled, “The most dangerous task?”

With that, he promptly retracted his smile and boomed authoritatively, “Oda Nobutada, heed my command!”

“You are responsible for knocking the MV Sewol out of the dimensional rift at the appropriate time. Any questions?”

“One Tail, heed my command!”

Unfortunately, Qin Ye didn’t give him any room to shrink back to. He looked Wang Chenghao straight in the eye, “You’re responsible for operating and maneuvering the MV Sewol. No matter what happens, you absolutely have to make it stop right next to Choi Tae-min’s coffin! Nothing can go wrong, do you understand?!”

Qin Ye coughed softly, “... And remember never to will everything to the Red Cross Foundation. I should be the named beneficiary instead…”

Then, Qin Ye turned his head to look at Kwon Kyung-ho and Ryu Changmin, “You two… are with me. The three of us will bear the brunt of the firepower. Ryu Changmin, I want you to know that our success in these operations lies in three factors. Firstly, we need to resist the frontal attacks, and we absolutely cannot break formation. Secondly, the other two are responsible for positioning the MV Sewol and ensuring when it’s dragged out of the dimensional rift. Thirdly… it’s you!”

Holy shit… Can I give myself two tight slaps across the cheeks right now?!

Damn… To think I’ve got such dangerous thoughts and perspectives these days…

“Whether drawing the attacks of the Russian and Hanyang Forces, or the millions of undead below, none of the tasks are easy. We’ve got a good shot at this.”

In that moment, the entire script of death had finally come full circle and returned to the very source and purpose for which it was created.

1. This is a reference to Sa Dingding’s Ashes of Love.

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