Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 332 - Kosmos: Story Time With Kireina!


"How interesting… Divine Realms, Divine Cores… We don\'t have those in here," said Nyx.

"Well, we do have something like our Divine Realms, but we simply call them our Domains," said Hades.

"Hm, more or less, all Gods in Kosmos have their own Domain," said Veronica.

"I see. Well, it is interesting to see how Gods and the origin of their powers vary depending on the world. It is as if there was an endless source of different powers… Hmm, I am a bit excited about grabbing some of that… Oh, right, the explanation, my bad," said Kireina.

"Go on," said Hades.

"Anyways, As the Realms were finally settled by the Gods, the last humans were told to multiply and thrive, as the Gods helped them do so through their powers… Nonetheless, they needed more than a little push to repopulate the world and finally bring nourishment to the Gods through their beliefs, prayers, and more… And aside from that, many threats were surging around the Realms, such as the enormous quantities of contamination through miasma all around, making monsters pop up more frequently than ever, making the last humans barely able to fight back without the Gods having to babysit them so much," said Kireina.

"Well, that\'s unfortunate… Wait, miasma!?" asked Hades.

"Yes, miasmas are high concentrations of highly contaminated Mana and other energies, they were a corrosive substance that can provoke mutations in any living being and even landscapes," said Kireina.

"Just like the energy that brought the changes in here…" said Hades.

"That\'s right, that energy is literally everywhere in Genesis, and most Gods cannot descend to the surface due to it as easily as they used to do in the past. The World\'s Will saw how humanity struggled and how it needed for them and life to thrive, as human/demi-human mortals seemed to be rather vital for its existence. After thinking about it for a while, the World\'s Will divided a piece of itself, creating a God. This God would one day come to be named \'The System Master\'," said Kireina.

"So there he is! Wait, that bastard is the son of that super-powerful entity?!" asked Hades.

"Well, makes sense, the System Master, from what I recall of his presence, was incredibly strong… Perhaps even Zeus did not stand a chance. Unless we were all to join forces, all the Gods of this world trying to kill him. But even then, the losses would be tremendous, and this world would quickly come to an end if too many of us die," said Nyx.

"Well… The World\'s Will created the System Master so he could design a special type of Divine Construct that could be ever-present in the world of Genesis, a type of power that could boost the strength of mortals and help them fight back more efficiently and faster than letting them cultivate for years… And so, the System of Genesis was born," said Kireina.

"So there was a System before the one he set in here?" asked Nyx.

"Yeah, the one that my main body abuses to grow strong so fast. Although the System he set up here is way more compact and not as broken and ridiculous as the one in Genesis. In this world, the System only helps mortals absorb the Cores found in Dungeons, and offers one special Skill… I think. People can\'t level up or use Skill Points or anything of the sort, so it is virtually different," said Kireina.

"Level up? Kind of like Veronica\'s System?" asked Nyx.

"Yeah, it is a mix of it, but I believe that even Veronica\'s System is more polished and compact. Genesis System is just ridiculous, it has many functions, and it affects the entire world… Anyways, let\'s go back to explanations," said Kireina.

"When the System was finally set on a place, it helped humanity do what the World\'s Will wanted, and after a few other events, more demi-human races began to pop up when Gods mated with humans, filling the population even faster, as such races often inherited strong monster-like traits, and most of them were even able to evolve like monsters while having all of what humans had… Which made for a bit of an imbalance, enraging the World\'s Will, which slowly manipulated humanity to hate demi-humans, hunting them down," said Kireina.

"However, that\'s not really the point, the point is, that as the System kept growing and expanding, it began to even affect monsters, and other creatures not intended to. After some time, even Gods fell to it and were added to the System… The System began to make humans grow too strong at some point, and even new Gods began to be born from time to time, creating more chaos, wars, and other things not intended at first… The System was simply making everything worst at the same time than helping life thrive… At some point, the World\'s Will tried to revoke the System from the world, but because the System had now become a primal law of the entire Genesis when it tried to revoke it, the entire world was almost destroyed," said Kireina.

"What?! Because of the System?!" asked Hades.

"Does that mean that… if we try to take out the System in here… will the world be destroyed prematurely?" asked Nyx.

"Knowing a bit of the System Master, he\'s a cunning and jester-like guy, he probably does have some underhanded method like that for those Gods that try to revoke his System from the worlds he is throwing them at…" sighed Kireina.

"That\'s… way too terrible, what are we going to do now?!" asked Thanatos in surprise.

"The plans that we have planned did not have this on mind…" said Hades.

"I believe that we can still help out at the very least…" said Veronica.

"Indeed, after all, what we want to do is not to destroy this System, we want to simply change the target where it is directing all the energy it\'s gathering from our world," said Nyx.

"As long as things go as planned, we still got a chance," said Veronica.

"You two are really set on it, huh? Damn it, alright! You kind of inspires me," said Hades.

"Anyways, because the World\'s Will was not able to revoke the System, the System Master quickly took ahold of all its power, and it even began to create its own children with it, the System Gods. With such Gods, he maintained the System and he was left to do many other things and be a bit… freer," said Kireina.

"I don\'t really know what is going through the head of such a being, nor what is he exactly planning in doing as you previously explained to me about concentrating the energy in the Origin Core and then harvesting this world… But perhaps he does have a plan, and an enemy that he wants to prepare by absorbing all of this power he is slowly cultivating through the worlds," said Kireina.

"However, the Gods that are my allies had told me that the System Master is acting strange and that it is planning to bring a new Era to our World, Genesis… Unfortunately or not, I am part of his plans, partially…" said Kireina.

"Eh? What?" asked Hades.

"Part of his plans? What do you mean?" asked Thanatos.

"Kireina?" asked Nyx.

"Ah! No, no, I do not mean that I am like the bad girl in here… Nor I am obeying any of his orders or whatever. In fact, I have not even spoken to him in a while. But yeah, I was part of his plans or some kind of tool for his goals. Though I can assure you that my main body is not letting herself be used like that. He reincarnated me from another world, which I name Earth, I used to be a very simple human…" said Kireina.

"Like Veronica?" asked Nyx.

"Yeah, but there are many parallel worlds, Kireina comes from another Earth different than mine," said Veronica.

"I see…" said Nyx.

"Anyways, I died out of a fever I believe, and then, he sent me there for whatever reason… as a Caterpillar no less. He gave me a cheat Skill that let me acquire Skills from anything I ate, so I was able to grow stronger super-fast, but the whole world was incredibly dangerous and filled with beings wanting to kill me everywhere. And as I grew stronger, this amount of beings just became wider… So yeah, Genesis is not the best place for a vacation," said Kireina.

"That\'s… your life must have been quite hard," said Nyx.

"Yeah, and it still is! Would you believe if I told you that a whole group of Gods tried to completely wipe out my entire Empire just recently? Yeah, my main body is about to wreck them for even trying," said Kireina while nodding.

"I suppose Kireina is just as scary," said Thanatos.

"Anyways, that\'s all I know about him. He had spoken to me sometimes, showing some interest in my progress, and even teasing me for whatever reason. I believe he still holds me within his plans to do something… Maybe he just wants me to do whatever I want, as I would naturally generate more chaos in Genesis, which it seems to be what he desires," said Kireina.

"Well, what a bastard!" said Hades.

"And don\'t let me get started in my meetings with The One, Chaos, and also getting to know that Genesis has been invaded by the literal Hell…" sighed Kireina, as everyone around her raised their eyebrows,

Indeed, Genesis was a chaotic mess of a world.


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